ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS is a Design, Engineering and Consultancy firm providing Pre-bid Engineering, Basic Engineering and Detail Engineering services for the High Voltage Substations Electrical (Gas Insulated/Conventional indoor/outdoor substations from up to 400kV, Overhead Transmission & distribution lines up to 220kV and Electrical power distribution systems, Controls, Instrumentation and Automation systems of Substation) associated Civil, Heavy Steel Structures for Industries, Material Handling Equipment, Water System Conduction, PEB Consultancy etc.

ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS was established in the year 2013. At present it is providing Design & Engineering services in various projects in India different Power Sector Board like-DMRC, UPMRCL, PGCOIL, DTL, HPSEB, HPPTCL, HVPNL, UPPTCL, RRVPNL, JUSNL, PTCUL, PVVNL and NEA at NEPAL. In many of these projects, Engineering Solutions is providing services as Contractor’s Consultant which requires high level of engineering skill in order to optimize equipment and materials. Engineering Solutions follows well established Engineering Design norms laid down in International and national standards for day to day engineering services.